7 Ağustos 2010 Cumartesi

SAP Certified ABAP Consultant

Uğur Barış TÜRKELİ

Certificate ID : 0007595551
SAP Certified ABAP Consultant

Certified From :


Certified Code :


Certified Name :

SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeawer 7.0
Abap knowledge:

Abap Dictionary :

 Transparent Tables,Cluster Tables,Pooled Tables,

 Database view,Help view,Maintenance views,projection views,

 Type group,

 Data Elements, global table type, Structured type,

 Domains,check table,fixed values,foreign keys,

 Elementary and collective search helps,

 Lock objects,

 Documentations ( data element,table),

 Table maintenance generator,cluster views generator,

Performance during database access:

 Secondary index,SQL performance,

 ABAP Open SQL and Native SQL,

 Using table and view buffering ,single,generic key and full buffering types,

 Get , put events ,Logical Database ,flexible selection screen

 SQL trace,code inspector, Runtime Analysis,

 Authorization checks,

Update Techniques, Data consistency ,Lock Mechanism :

 Update function modules,

 Asynchronous Update and Synchronous Update techniques,

 Call Function … in update task

 Lock objects,Enqeue and deqeue Functions,

 Foreign key table and check table,fixed values,

Internal tables :

 Standart table,Sorted table , hashed table

 Binary search,index search,key access search(hash algoritm),

 Dynamic Programming with Field Symbols and References,

Enhancement and Modifications :

 Append structure,Append view,Append search help,customizing includes,

 BADI’s implementation,

 Customer exits,User Exits,

 Personalization,transaction variants,guitxt,


 Call Subroutine,

 Function Modules,

 Global and Local Classes,methods,super classes,sub classes, polymorphism,

 Include programs,

 Message Classes,

 BDC (Batch input Programming),

 BAPI programming,

 RFC (Remote Function Modules),

Classical screens (dynpros) and selection screens,Smartforms:

 Abap Events,

 Screen painter,menu painter,sub screen,modal screen,table control,

 Classical Report & interactive reports,

 Smartforms,

 Backround programming,job scheduling,

Alv Grid

 ALV Grid methods,

 Layout,fieldcatalog,classes,events,

Basis informations:

 Client copy,

 Transporting requests from development to test and production systems,

 Creating authority classes ,objects and fields with in sap_all profile or user spesific roles

 Updating user profiles ,

 Printer settings,

 Catching and debugging system dumbs,

 Performance analysis,

SD,MM,FI and PP Informations:

 Defining new plant,delivery point ,storage locations,

 Defining new sales office,

 Defining new material groups,

 Defining new output type with using NACE t-code,for instance;invoice,sales order,delivery order,

 Creating new sales condition table,condition types,

 Creating condition lists,(V/LD)

 Authority checks , abap codes with using userexits or customer exits for sap standart transactions,

 Authority checks , abap codes with using BADI for sap standart transactions,

 Enhancement standart collective search helps with using append elemantary search helps,

Computer Knowledge:

Languages : ABAP,Visual Basic.net ,Pascal ,C,Asp.Net,SQL query

Operating systems: Dos,Windows

Database: Ms sql,Access,My Sql

Other skills : Ms Office,

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